Schedule Maintenance

Scheduled Maintenance Waiting around for your electrical equipment to become faulty, cease working or cause an accident is the method in which most people first get into contact with an electrician. However, waiting for something to go wrong is guaranteed to cost you more money in the long run, increase the risk of electrical accidents…

Protecting Your Home From A Power Surge

What is a power surge? Essentially, a power surge occurs when the electrical system is inundated with a sudden increase in the power supplied to your home. Although many people only associate power surges with major electrical fluctuations and lightning strikes, these damaging occurrences are quite common. In actuality, power surges occur frequently and are…

Why are Circuit Breakers so Important?

Why are Circuit Breakers so Important? An electrical circuit is the quintessential basis of all electrical movement and flow in your home. Distributed from the power grid, electricity flows from a power plant directly into your home where the electrical charge is then funnelled into a large circuit. This circuit is an unbroken loop of…